Kind Hearts

Reaching the unreached.

Kind Hearts is a charitable group with the aim of making lives of underprivileged people in the society better. We strive to provide good quality of life to the struggling people in our society, especially in the tribal areas and outskirts of cities.

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Childrens Day 2018 Celebrations at Ponmudi U.P. School

On Children’s day this year, KindHearts team conducted an initiative to give sweaters to the students of Ponmudi U.P. School and nearby kinder gartens in the hilltop area. It came as...

Field Assesment in Kannadi, Alleppey

KindHearts members conducted a field assesment in Kannadi Village in Allepey with the aim of identifying places that had scarce water supply. People in the area had shortage of pure ...

Water Filter Installation at Kuttanadu

KindHearts team was involved in the flood relief project in Kuttanad, Alappuzha by Cadena International, Mexico and Aarogya Charitable Trust in identifying areas where clean drinking...

Food Material Distribution to Kumarankari Village, Alleppey

KindHearts team along with AVE Social Services co-ordinated in the distribution of food materials to the people affected by the flood in Kumarankari Village in Allepey. Kumarankari ...

Activities at Ponmudi Estate

During the recent floods in Kerala, KindHearts and AVE Social Work, along with Navajeevan Bethany School, Trivandrum joined hands together to support the labourers working in the pla...