Kind Hearts

Reaching the unreached.

Kind Hearts is a charitable group with the aim of making lives of underprivileged people in the society better. We strive to provide good quality of life to the struggling people in our society, especially in the tribal areas and outskirts of cities.

Latest Posts

Book Distribution Drive - St. Mary's L.P School, Changa

Kind Hearts is conducting a book distribution drive to support the students of St. Mary’s L.P School with notebooks and learning materials for the coming academic year. St. Marys Sc...

Distributed TVs to Students

Kind Hearts along with Ruby Software (a software company in Technopark, Trivandrum), conducted a “Support Online Education” drive to buy televisions to support online education for n...

Campaign - Support Online Education - 2020

KindHearts is conducting a campaign to support needy students with the infrastructure for online education. During these difficult times of the epidemic, classrooms have gone online...

Study Material Donation at St. Mary's L.P School, Vellanad - 2019

This year, Kind Hearts team visited the students of St Mary’s LP School, Changa, Vellanadu, and provided necessary study materials. Smiling Eyes Foundation and Ruby Software, based i...

Campaign - Study Material Donation - 2019

Kind Hearts team is planning to support the students of St. Mary’s L.P. School, Changa, Vellanad, Trivandrum by providing study materials. So we are expecting contributions from you...