Distributed TVs to Students

Kind Hearts along with Ruby Software (a software company in Technopark, Trivandrum), conducted a “Support Online Education” drive to buy televisions to support online education for needy students, during COVID.

Kerala govt. started online classes during COVID, as a temporary arrangement to regular classes. They were telecasted through the government-owned KITE VICTERS education channel from June 2020.But many students in remote villages who cannot afford a TV connection or a TV are still facing challenges to regularly attend these programmes.

Kind Hearts identified 3 such families who faced difficulties in getting online education, due to unavailability of proper TV connections or Mobile or Internet.

Two of these families are in remote areas, some 50 Kms from Idinjar. And one is a family from Ponmudi. These remote forest areas are not connected to the nearby villages with proper roads. We salute their resolve to continue education at any cost. The easiest way to help them was to buy them televisions and tv-connections to watch the online programmes made available by the government VICTERS channel.

Along with Ruby Software, Technopark we were able to raise funds to help both these families. We installed TVs and gifted them a years tv-connection. This definitely helped the students in both the families to attend online classes and continue their education during these difficult times.

TV Distribution Ponmudi

TV Installation, Idinjar

TV Installation, Ponmudi

We are grateful for everyone who contributed, and made this a huge success.

As Nelson Mandela rightly said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Let these children be the light of change to the lives of the families in these areas.

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