ID Card distribution at Govt. U.P School, Ponmudi

On Independence day, 2022 Kind Hearts team visited Govt. U.P. School Ponmudi to distribute ID cards created for them. The joyful faces of the children getting their photo ID cards is a memory that we cannot forget for a long time.

Smiles are contagious, like the gladness of a happy child. When we visited Govt. U.P. School Ponmudi to distribute ID cards for the students that is what we experienced. The happiness of the students brought smiles to our faces. The students were overjoyed to see their photos in the ID cards.

Govt. U.P School, Ponmudi - Students

Kind Hearts had conducted a campaign to issue photo ID cards to students of Govt. U.P School, Ponmudi, a month back. With contributions from far and near, it was a grant success, and we recently visited the school to take the photos of students for the ID cards.

Govt. U.P School, Ponmudi - Students

We visited the school on Independence day, and also took part in the celebrations. Winny and Robert taught the students the need for love, care and happiness through songs. Thank you to the students, teachers, parents who made the day unforgettable.

Govt. U.P School, Ponmudi - Independence Day, 2022

A small part of the contributions were used to buy books for the library. We handed over the books to the school representatives.

Govt. U.P School, Ponmudi - Books handover Ponmudi - Book Distribution Team

A big thanks for all those who contributed for this intiative. Your contributions have gone a long way.

Further initiatives are being planned in the school, and we hope all our well wishers will support these initiatives whole heartedly and contribute to support education of the students.

As mentioned previously, there are other initiatives planned in the same school — including renovating the library and support for contract driving staff for the school.

We hope for your support to make these initiatives a huge success. For knowing more on how to contribute, please contact us in Facebook or Instagram.

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