Donated Computer System at St. Mary's L.P School

During the school aniversary event of St. Mary’s L.P School Changa, Vellanad, Kind Hearts donated a computer to their lab.

St. Mary’s school had approached us for help to raise funds to setup a PC for their computer lab. Kind Hearts team successfully raised funds, and purchased a computer for the students.

Computer system donated

Though its of basic configuration by today’s standards, along with the UPS, it is of great help to the students. It will go a great way to help the students in the coming academic year.

The school facilitated Roy, during their anniversary celebrations for all the activities conducted in the School. We take this as an honour, that we were able to help the school and grateful to be helpful to all the students of the school.

We are grateful to anyone who contributed, and a big thanks on behalf of all the students and the management of St. Mary’s School.

Further initiatives are being planned in the school, and we hope all our well wishers will support these initiatives whole heartedly and contribute to support education of the students.

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